Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This lesson, we started planning what we were going to do. I managed to finally complete the Gantt Chart, and attempted to make a start on the Storyboard. However, I didn't get very far becasue Zeenia was at the Geography Camp. This was mainly her idea and Vera's, but nobody was sure about the first step for the instructional video. We weren't sure which scene to put at the very beginning or how to begin. I continued reading more on "How to Create a Storyboard", which was on our IST school homepage.

I gained some valuable information and an idea on how to set it out. This was quite useful, but we encountered a problem. I thought that it might be easier to draw the storyboard by hand and scan it onto the computer. I wasn't sure as to whether it would work or not but I was willing to give it a try. This way we could have a detailed storyboard and keep changing it. We could also each take it home to do it, so that each member could contribute to creating the storyboard, once we got our idea straight.

I also voted to do most of the filming, Gantt Chart and Storyboard becasue that is what interested me the most. I wasn't thrilled about being in the video so I thought that this would be a reasonable choice. This was quite a productive lesson and I hope to start the Stroyboard and Script by next lesson.

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